Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tips Mengobati Cacar Air

Tips Mengobati Cacar Air - Mendung Panas kali ini membahas mengenai Tips Kesehatan, disini saya memiliki tips kesehatan yaitu mengenai cara mengobati cacar air. Cacar air adalah penyakit yang di sebabkan karena virus. Penularan Cacar Air dapat melalui Udara, Cairan Pernafasan atau kontak langsung dengan kulit penderita cacar air. Nah Bagaimana Gejala dan penyembuhannya.

Gejala Cacar Air
Cacar air biasanya ditandai dengan timbulnya demam ringan, sakit kepala, pilek, nafsu makan berkurang, dan munculnya bintik merah pada kulit yang berbentuk gelembung dan berisi cairan (ruam). Ruam tersebut umumnya terasa gatal dan nyeri.

Banyak yang beranggapan kalau cacar air hanya akan menyerang satu kali seumur hidup, padahal cacar air dapat menyerang siapa saja, termasuk yang sudah pernah terkena cacar sekalipun, meskipun kemungkinannya kecil.

Perawatan Cacar Air
Cacar air yang parah harus di rawat agar tidak meluas atau semakin parah.
Untuk merawat penderita cacar air, simak tips berikut:
- Mandi dengan air hangat.
- Taburi bedak anti gatal pada bagian kulit yang terkena cacar.
- Ganti baju lebih sering.
- Jangan menggaruk bagian yang terkena cacar.

Obat Tradisional Cacar Air
Penyembuhan Cacar air tidak harus dengan obat atau bahan-bahan kimia, kita bisa mengambil alternatif lain Untuk mengobati cacar air, dapat menggunakan resep obat herbal berikut:

Obat Cacar Air (Topikal)
Untuk pemakain luar, gunakan campuran kunyit dengan daun asam jawa secukupnya yang sebelumnya telah dicuci dan dihaluskan. Kemudian oleskan pada bagian kulit yang terkena cacar air.

Obat Cacar (Oral)
Untuk obat minum, dapat menggunakan 2 buah mengkudu matang yang telah di jus. Lalu minum ramuan tersebut sebanyak 2 kali sehari.

Semoga artikel Tips Mengobati Cacar Air bisa menambah informasi dan bisa menyembuhkan penyakit anda.

Tag: Tips Kesehatan, Cacar Air, Penularan Cacar Air, Gejala Cacar Air, Obat Cacar Air, Resep Cacar Air.

1 comment:

  1. There are several ways to tone your crsytal tuning fork. for the softest sound, tap tuning forks on a hard muscle such as the palm of your hand.Oscilent offer a full range of industry standard Surface Mount and Through Hole Ceramic Resonators both with and without internal capacitors. For standard Operating Temperatures (-20 C to 80 C). Fitted with temperature controlled cystal oscillator * 50Hz 40MHz (1 Meg Ohm) * 10MHz 2.8GHz (50 Ohm) * Sens:<1mV @ 150MHz * Display: 10 digit LCD * Interface: CI-V * Supply: Int Ni-Cads * Battery life: 4-5 Hrs * 65x85x30mmCeramic Resonators provide a viable alternative to Quartz Crystals for oscillation frequency stabilization. Everyone wants cleaner air. The question is what are we willing to pay for it collectively and individually air cleaner. Oscilent is a world-class manufacturer of Frequency Control Products, including an innovative and technologically advanced offering of mobile communication devices, TCXO, temperature compensated crsytal oscillator,in which, e.g., the output signal from a temperature sensor (e.g., a thermistor) is used to generate a correction voltage that is applied to a variable reactance(e.g., a varactor) in the crsytal network.The reactance variations compensate for the crsytals f vs. T characteristic. Analog TCXOs can provide about a 20X improvement over the crsytals.s are available in a wide variety of packages. The most common are referenced below and provide a basis for Design Engineers to consider the most common characteristics found incrystal filterproducts. Crystal Filters are available in a wide variety of packages that allow focus on individual Electrical Parameters. We strongly encourage contacting Oscilent Engineering to discuss Oscilent's full capability in Crystal Filter design and development.Although there are numerous crsytal oscillators available on the market, it is important to find crsytal clock oscillators that are safe and contain no hazardous substances for human to ensure that you could sell your products easily and safely. for consumer electronics. Oscilent has completed the expansion of it s state-of-the art production facility for RF Filter and standard SAW Filter manufacturing. When the first crsytal oscillators were built in the 1920s, the only crsytals available, such as the X-cut, exhibited poor temperature performance. The expansion increases production capacity by over 26% overall solidifying Oscilent s position as the fourth largest production manufacturer in the world. Murata's hybrid crsytal resonators now all feature four connection pads on the base, to make them a more direct replacement for quartz.Generally, TCXO's are manufactured according to industry standard guidelines. A is best viewed as a derivative of a standard Crystal Oscillator. The latest green TCXO delivers the performance of an Oven Controlled (OCXO) with significant reductions in current consumption.
